FAQ: Creating an A Record or Static IP Address

An A Record (also called a "Static IP") points your domain to a specific address on the Internet (for example, a webpage you've created with a webhost). To assign an A Record to your domain name, just log in to your account, then do the following:


  1. Click the DNS button to the right of the domain you wish to edit.
  2. Scroll to DNS Records. ​Your DNS records are separated by rows, and each record is divided into three columns: Domain, Record, and Value. To create new blank rows for additional A Records, click Add New Record.
  3. If your A record has a value for Host, Alias, or Domain, type it into the field under the Domain column. If that value is your domain name, an @, or blank, you can leave this field blank.
  4. Under the Record column, select A record.
  5. Under the Value column, enter the Destination or Points to value
  6. Repeat Steps 3-5 for each additional A record.
  7. Click Save.