FAQ: EPP Status Codes and Their Meanings

In every gTLD* domain's Whois record there is at least one domain status code. Domain status codes can tell you all sorts of things about your domain's current state, and help you diagnose any issues that might be affecting your domain.

Status Meaning Action necessary?
OK or Active

A domain name's normal state. The domain can be used for website hosting, email, or to create name servers.

No. This status does not indicate a problem with your domain name.


The registrar (UD) has placed the domain name on hold, and its web-related functions are inactive.

How to remove a clientHold from your domain name.

The domain has expired, and the registry is holding the domain in this status for 30 days before releasing it.

If you want to keep your domain name, you must restore it before the redemptionPeriod ends. Please contact us for help.

The domain has expired. If a domain with this status also has
a redemptionPeriod status, then
the domain can be restored.

If it does not have a redemptionPeriod status, then it can no longer be restored and
the registry will delete it within five days.

If the domain also has a redemptionPeriod status assigned to it, it can be restored. Please contact us for help.

If there is no redemptionPeriod status assigned to the domain, you may be able to re-register the domain once the registry releases it after five days.

pendingRestore A domain name that had previously expired is now being restored back to ACTIVE/OK status.

The domain should be restored within 24 hours. No action should be necessary, but please monitor the process to ensure the domain is restored and that payment is successfully made for the restore. 


The registrar has modified the domain so that it cannot be transferred to a different registrar.

This setting is automatically enabled if your domain name was registered or transferred
clientRenewProhibited The registrar has modified the domain so that it cannot be renewed.

This may indicate a problem or dispute with your domain name, and we recommend contacting us for help resolving the issue. If the domain has no issues and you simply want to renew it, please contact us to request removal of this status.

clientDeleteProhibited The registrar has modified the domain so that it cannot be deleted.

This may indicate a problem or dispute with your domain name, and we recommend contacting us for help resolving the issue. If the domain has no issues and you simply want to renew it, please contact us to request removal of this status.

clientUpdateProhibited The registrar modified the domain name so that its settings cannot be updated.

This may indicate a problem or dispute with your domain name, and we recommend contacting us for help resolving the issue. If the domain has no issues and you simply want to renew it, please contact us to request removal of this status. 

inactive The domain name cannot resolve because name servers have not been delegated to it.

Your domain may have an issue with its name servers, or depending on your domain's extension, additional documentation may be required to complete its registration. Please contact us for more information.  


The domain name is being transferred to another registrar, and cannot be modified during this process. 

If you did not request your domain name to be transferred, please contact us immediately so we can cancel the active transfer request.
serverHold The domain's registry has placed the domain on hold, and its web-related functions are inactive.

This may indicate an issue that needs to be resolved, or depending on your domain's extension, it may indicate that additional documentation is required to complete the domain's registration. Please contact us for assistance.

serverDeleteProhibited The registry has modified the domain so that it cannot be deleted.

This status may indicate an issue with the domain's registry operator that needs resolution. Please contact us for more information.

serverRenewProhibited The registry has modified the domain so that it cannot be renewed.

This status may indicate an issue with the domain's registry operator that needs resolution. Please contact us for more information.

serverTransferProhibited The registry has modified the domain so that it cannot be transferred to a different registrar.

This status may indicate an issue with the domain's registry operator that needs resolution. Please contact us for more information. 

serverUpdateProhibited The registry has modified the domain name so that its settings cannot be updated.

This status may indicate an issue with the domain's registry operator that needs resolution. Please contact us for more information.

*Please note that these statuses apply only to gTLDs. ccTLD domains may have their own unique status codes in accordance with their policies.Â